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black friday vanilla radio sales - 2021


If you already have an account with Vanilla Premium and want to Expand, Renew or Reactivate your subscription? Choose the plan you are interested in below!
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The offer will be available for the next  :

black friday vanilla radio sales - 2021

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the 4th Friday of November which for 2023 is on the 24th.
While we refer to it as 1 day, in fact Black Friday is “translated” by stores and consumers as a discount period with important offers that for us at Vanilla Radio correspond to a 33% discount on 6 & 12 month subscriptions.
The Black Friday tradition comes from the USA! After Thanksgiving Day, which is every 4th Thursday of November, comes “Black Friday” which marks the beginning of the commercial Christmas season.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to access our Premium service!
Register from Wednesday 22/11 to Saturday 28/11, the offer is valid for new subscribers and users whose subscription is still active. *

black friday vanilla radio sales - 2021

↓ alternative method of payment by PayPal or Card for registered users ↓

Select the ‘DONATE’ button and in the field “Other amount” you write 140 (174 with VAT) or 200 (248 with VAT) euros for 6 or 12 months, we will adjust the expiration date..
Beware of comments to mention your username !!

* we will add the duration to the already existing subscription.

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